Privacy Policy

Aura is a next generation loyalty platform that’s designed to help businesses create lifelong relationships with their customers.

When You use Aura, You trust us with Your information which we will use to deliver services to You. We take privacy very seriously and we have created this Privacy Policy to communicate to You, how we handle Your personal information.

We encourage You to take the time to read this policy carefully, as it will help You make informed decisions around sharing Your personal information with us.

By accessing this website, or using Aura, You consent to the collection, disclosure, use, storage and processing of Your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and also agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

What information do you collect?

The use of Aura involves the storage and use of Your information. This may include personally identifiable information such as name, email address and other contact details. 

There are various ways in which we might collect personal information:

  • Registering to use Aura
  • Updating Your details within Aura
  • Using Aura
  • Contacting us
  • Visiting our website
  • Data sharing via integration

Changes to this Policy

From time to time, we may amend or update this Privacy Policy with or without notice to You. Any amended or updated Policy is effective upon posting to this Website.

Your continued use of Aura or this website will be deemed to be acceptance of any amended or updated Policy.

Aura may receive personal information from You about others

Through Your use of our services, Aura may also collect information from You about someone else. If You provide Aura with personal information about someone else, You must ensure You have the authorisation to disclose that information to Aura and You comply with any privacy or any other laws related to this disclosure.

You must also ensure that Aura may collect, disclose, use, store and process that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy without further action required from Aura.

Use of information and Data

By using Aura, You consent to Your personal information being collected, held and used in relation to providing You services. We may use the information provided to:

  • Provide You with services
  • Communicate with You in relation to our services
  • Provide training or marketing related to our services
  • Provide technical support
  • Notify You of any changes to policy or our service
  • Co-operate with any government, industry or regulatory authorities as required by law

By using Aura, You consent to Aura accessing, aggregating and using non personally-identifiable data that Aura has collected from You. Aura may use this data in:

  • Improving our service, for example in developing new features or refining our product
  • Marketing and promotion of Aura
  • Generating insights and content to help businesses improve

It is Your responsibility to keep Your password to Aura safe. You should notify us as soon as possible if You become aware of any misuse of Your password and change it immediately.

Disclosure of Information

Unless You expressly authorise us to to do so, Aura will not disclose any of your personal information to a third party. Except where the disclosure is in order to facilitate the purpose in which the information was originally collected as per “Use of Information and Data” above.

Access to and update of information

You may request at any time to see the personal information that we hold on Your behalf, or to correct or update any personal information (to the extent that You are unable to do so on the website). You may request this via [email protected].

Storage and Security of Information

Your personal information is stored with Amazon Web Services, outside of New Zealand and may change from time to time. Security is very important to us, and we have implemented security measures to encrypt Your data anytime it is travelling over the unsecured internet.

Although we take action to minimise the risk of data loss or security breach, given the unsecure nature of the internet, we cannot give absolute assurance. Transmission of Your personal information is at Your risk, and You should only provide us with personal information from a secure environment.

Storage of Credit Card details

Aura does not store Your credit card or any other payment card details. We use Stripe ( for our payment processing and they securely store Your details. 

For our tokenisation service that we provide, card details are all stored within Paymark Limited’s own secure environment.


In providing our service, Aura utilises "cookies". A cookie is a small text file that is stored on Your computer for record-keeping purposes. A cookie does not identify You personally or contain any other information about You but it does identify Your computer. We may use these cookies to, for example, track site usage.

To learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

Privacy Queries/Complaints

If You have any queries with regards to this Policy or any complaints about how we have handled Your personal information, You may contact us by emailing us at [email protected].